For over 40 years, Centennial has grown to become a leading provider in plumbing, heating, electrical, and renovation services for Saskatoon and area. In 2010, we are bringing our years of experience together to launch our new
custom homes division.

This blog will chronicle our first custom home build and provide you with first hand knowledge on common challenges and rewarding triumphs that coincide with building any home.

Feel free to ask questions, leave comments, and share your building stories as we watch this dream home come to life.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Is it a Bird or a Plane? No, It's Superform!

Now that we have our weeping tile and gravel in place around our footings, we can really get going on the build. As you'll see in the video, our Superform walls are up and our site is starting to look less like a giant hole and more like the beginnings of a new home!

Superform is a more innovative and energy efficient way of building a foundation for your home. Typically foundations are built using temporary wood forms which are removed once the concrete has cured. The great thing about Superform is how easy it is to use. Basically using Superform is like playing with a giant set of Lego bricks. Each piece is preformed and then stacked into place to create the form for the foundation. As you'll see in the video, the end result is a hollow structure that's ready to be filled with concrete.

Another advantage to Superform is that it's also an energy efficient insulation. Since it ends up on the outside of the wall as well as the inside it helps to block the cold before it even reaches your foundation.

Tom Firth, Centennial General Manager, goes through a few more details in this video. So sit back, grab your popcorn, and get ready to learn!

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